Now you can replay user sessions and explore heatmaps to gain insights on how buyers are engaging with your WLM.
There is no cost to use this feature and it takes less than 5 minutes to get up and running.
Setup Instructions
Step 1: Signup for a Free Clarity Account
Go to and signup for a free account. You will be prompted to setup a new project.
You can provide any project name. Provide your WLM URL as the website name.
Once you have created the project, you will be shown installation instructions that look like this:
Please copy the 10 digit code that is highlighted below:
Step 2: Enter your 10 digit code in your Configure Marketplace section
Please make sure to enter the 10 digit code without any quotes
Step 3: Wait 2-3 hours for tracking to begin
After 2-3 hours, go to your Clarity dashboard and you should begin seeing session play backs as well as heatmaps for your WLM