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Domain Purchase On Our Marketplace

How to purchase your domain directly from

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Written by Atom
Updated over 10 months ago

Atom offers a quick and easy way to purchase the domain name of entries submitted in your contest! Our platform is directly linked to to make the process a little easier.

How Do I Purchase A Domain Name?

Step 1: Once you have found the perfect name and want to purchase the domain for it, go to your contest page. Select the arrow on the right side of the entry, a drop down list will appear. Select the option "Buy Domain".

Please Note: that our policy requires that the creatives be compensated if their names are used. You can compensate the creative by either selecting them the Winner or by sending them a $100 bonus as compensation

Step 2: After sending a bonus to the Creative or selecting them as the winner of your contest, upon clicking the button 'Buy Domain at GoDaddy' you will be directed to the page where you will be able to purchase the domain.

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