What is Atom API?
Atom API offers the ability for sellers to make updates to their domain listings seamlessly via secure API communication. Our API allows you to:
Add new listings (Premium, Plus or Standard)
Remove Standard or Plus Listings
Make Pricing Updates
Apply Discounts
Update Description, Possible Uses etc.
Boost Domains (Premium Listings)
Download Domain Listings
Download Domain Analytics
and much more!
Limited Beta
Currently the Atom API is available under a limited Beta and sellers must request approval to access the API. Please Note: Sellers should have a minimum of 500 domain listings in their account to be considered for review.
API Authorization
All requests to Atom APIs require you to authenticate with an API Token. API Tokens identify your seller account and provide a powerful and flexible primitive for managing access to Atom resources.
These API Tokens can be provisioned and regenerated from your dashboard. Click on the API Access from your left menu to access the API page. Here you have an example of the authorization dashboard in a real Atom account.
You can request a new Token or regenerate the API token at any time.
API endpoint
All API requests must be made over HTTPS to the following endpoint:
Calls made over plain HTTP will be redirected to HTTPS.
To authenticate your request, simply append your API key in a query string parameter named "api_token". For example:
curl -X GET "https://www.atom.com/api/marketplace/domains?api_token=2eeb3d34c97142cd&type=premium" -H "accept: application/json"
Documentation & interactive application
The interactive documentation will allow you to test the API without the need of a sandbox environment. Be sure to enter your API Key and select "Try It Out" for any available methods