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Messaging Policy

Messaging Policy For Creatives

Atom avatar
Written by Atom
Updated over 2 months ago

Users have the ability to communicate with other users or contest holders by sending private messages. Atom monitors these communications from time to time to ensure that they meet the guidelines mentioned below.

Any violation of these guidelines will lead to temporary or permanent suspension of your Atom account.

  • No Harassment:  Purposely intimidating a particular member, harassing them, sending them rude or unwanted private messages, etc.

  • No Threats: Any threat or intimation of a threat.

  • No Rude or Obscene Language: Any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, or otherwise violate of any laws

  • No Advertising, soliciting or self-promotion: You can not promote, advertise, or otherwise call attention to your site, blog, product, or services

  • Cannot discuss or challenge CH Ratings: Any messages to CH which include a reference to the ratings are not allowed. For example, following types of messages are not allowed: “why did you give me a Low Ratings on my entry” or "I followed the contest brief so why did you give me a No Thank you?” or“You are giving too many Low ratings. Can you tell us what are we doing wrong”“You downgraded my rating from Like It star to No Thank you. Can you explain why”“It is discouraging to get so many low ratings”

  • Cannot Ask for Preferential Treatment: You cannot send any message that asks a CH to provide preferential treatment to an individual creative or their entries. This includes asking for ratings, requesting comments on specific entries, seeking consideration for winner selection, or any other preferential treatment through any communication method.   

  • Excessive Messaging:  You are not allowed to send excessive amount of messages to a CH. You cannot ask a CH for feedback on your entries or to rate your entries.

  • Cannot share personal information: You are not allowed to share personal information such as email address or phone numbers, non-related marketplace information, random phrases, etc. using private messaging.

  • Cannot accuse CH of name registration: Any message that accuses the Contest Holder of registering or stealing entries, or demanding payment for entries. If you suspect that a CH might have registered one of your entries, please inform Atom so that it can be investigated. You are not allowed to communicate such issues directly with the CH.

  • Cannot take advantage of Private Messaging: Using private messaging to gain advantage over other creatives is not allowed. If the response to your question or private message can also be helpful to other creatives, please ask this question in a  public comment. Asking such questions privately can lead to account suspension.

  • Discussions about warnings and suspensions: Any warnings or actions taken by Atom (such as account suspension) are sensitive matters and can only be discussed between the Atom team and the creative. If you receive such a warning for a violation our policies, Atom team will typically provide you with a reason for the warning. Discussing specific warnings or account actions in the forum, or with other creatives, is a violation of our Messaging Policy. 

  • Discussing Marketplace Domain Prices or Negotiating Prices with CH: Offering your marketplace names to CH at a lower price than the currently listed selling price is a violation of our policy. Engaging in any pricing discussions with CHs is not allowed and in these situations, the conversations should be referred the Atom team. 

Why Am I Not Able To Post Public Messages in a Contest?

Public Messages can only be posted by Contest Holders or the Senior Members of the Atom community. New or recent members are not allowed to post comments on the contest page to minimize any potential spam. In order to post public messages or send private messages you must have a point balance of 400 points, or you should have won at least 1 contest. 

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