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Expert Domain Classification Service

Learn how you can engage creative experts to crowdsource the classification of your domains

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Written by Atom
Updated this week

In order to maximize the discovery of premium domains, we recommend adding a catchy description to your domain and adding other searchable information (such as Possible Uses, Emotions, Root Words etc). 

Our AI based recommendation engine now uses various aspects of classification (e.g. Root Words, Possible Uses) to show your names to relevant buyers. By not completing the classification, your names would be at a disadvantage compared to other names that are properly classified. 

You can handle all aspects of classification yourself, or crowdsource this task to professional writers from Atom community, using our Premium Domain Classification Service.  

The Premium Domain Classification Service is a Beta offering. This service includes:

  • Writing a catchy and professional description for your domain

  • Classification of possible uses, emotions, root words, name styles by following Atom best practices

How Much Does It Cost? 

You can decide how much you would like to pay the classification experts for each name. You can pay upfront (e.g $1 or $2 per name).

100% of payments are passed on to the Classification Experts. Atom does not earn any commission from the classification service.

How do I take advantage of this service?

Simply one or more domains from your Marketplace Listings page. Once selected, click on "Edit Domains". 

From the popup, select "Get Classification By Expert Creatives" and choose your payment option. 

The classification will then be handled by our community of professional writers. 

Who will work on my domain classification?

Atom has hand-picked creatives from Atom community who are authorized to handle this service. If you would like to become an Expert Domain Classifier, you can let us know via Chat or by sending email to  We have also compiled several best practices for our Expert Domain Classifiers. 

**Please Note: Options on how to pay domain classification experts may change at our discretion and exact options to select would be noted in your account.

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