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What is Annualized Sell-through Rate (STR)?

Learn all about your annualized sell through rate

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Written by Atom
Updated over 9 months ago

The Annualized Sell-through rate provides an indicator of the % of the domains you are selling from your portfolio on an annualized basis.

We use this calculation to compute your Annualized STR:

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Annualized Sell-through Rate different from other displayed metrics (e.g. 12 Month Portfolio Sell-through)?

The 12 month portfolio sell-through % answers this question:

Of all your domains listed at Atom for a period of 12 month or more, what % did you end up selling.

The annualized STR provides a clear view into your yearly portfolio performance. Specifically, it answers this question:

What percentage of your portfolio are you selling on an annualized basis.

Are the sales from my WLM included in the calculation of annualized STR?

Any sales from WLM/ standard listings are not included in the annualized STR calculation.

What if my domain sale is cancelled. Does that count towards the annualized STR calculation?

If you did not receive any funds from your domain sales, those are not counted in your annualized STR calculation.

However if your domain was purchased on installments, and the buyer subsequently defaulted after making first few installments, your sales are proportionally counted. For example, if the buyer defaulted after you received 2 installment payments (from a total of 6 installments), we will count 0.33 for that domain in the Domain sold calculation (2 / 6).

How is Average Portfolio Age calculated?

The average portfolio age is the average age (in days) of your overall portfolio. For example, let's say your premium portfolio has 4 listings with 1 domain listed for 300 days, second domain listed for 200 days, and two more domains listed for 50 days each. In that case, your average portfolio age is 150 days. (300 + 200 + 50 + 50) / 4

Is there a guarantee that I will achieve the number of sales as per my annualized STR?

The annualized STR is simply an estimate based upon your current portfolio performance. This number will continue to change as your portfolio gets aged, as you add new listings and as you receive additional sales. There is no guarantee that your future sales will be as per your annualized STR. If you have a smaller portfolio, you will likely see a greater variability in your ongoing annualized STR metric.

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