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Improve Percentile Ranking Score

How do I improve my percentile ranking score?

Atom avatar
Written by Atom
Updated over a week ago

A low percentile score doesn’t necessarily mean that the quality of your submissions is poor. However, it could be a sign that your submissions are not quite hitting the mark. Don’t worry, this can happen due to many reasons.

Here are some tips that can help in improving your percentile score:

  • Submit less entries in each contest. You might be submitting too many entries per contest. We find that it is better to submit a few thoughtful entries, and then base all further entries on rating, entry comments, and public message.

  • Take the time to carefully read the brief.  Try to put yourself in the shoes of the CH. Assess your submission from their perspective. Will your name or logo make sense for their business? Would you pick this name or logo if you were running this business?

  • Stagger your submissions. Do not submit all your submissions at once. Submit 2-3 options, and then wait for the CH’s feedback. Once you see the ratings, or more comments from the CH, then adjust your direction and submit more entries.

  • Not all contests connect with all creatives. Before participating, take a moment and think if the contest is from an industry that really connects with you?  You might consider skipping the ones that you are not into, and focusing your time and effort on those that are close to your personal taste and experience.

  • Never use Name Generators or other cheesy idea generation tactics to submit dozens of random options. This “spray and pray” tactic is guaranteed to result in low ratings from CHs. Consistent low ratings will lead to much lower percentile score, and will limit your ability to participate in future contests.

  • Explain your submissions. We find that well explained submissions usually receive high ratings from contest holders. If your idea is "out of the box" or doesn't necessarily align with the brief, it is even more important to include an explanation that explains why your submission might be a good fit. 

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