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Trademark Filing Package

Atom's Trademark Filing Packages include trademark assessment for up to three names or taglines, as well as trademark filing for one of them, all for just $649 plus government fees.

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Written by Atom
Updated over 2 months ago

What's included?

Atom's Trademark Filing Package includes a trademark assessment, during which a dedicated Trademark Attorney will research and assess up to three names/taglines or one logo of your preference. Armed with all the info you need to make the safest decision available, you can then choose one of the three names or taglines to move forward with or, if you were researching a logo, move forward with that.

What's next?

This is when the filing process begins. The same trademark attorney you worked with during the assessment process will prepare and file for your trademark, keep you up to date as the process progresses, and offer ongoing support once the trademark is officially yours. Start with our Free Trademark Tool to find names that are more likely to be available to the trademark, and you have a complete soup-to-nuts trademarking service for just $649 (before government fees).


Here's a little more about each step of the process:

Trademark Assessment

  1. Simply purchase the order, and we will collect your initial information to forward it to our Trademark team.

  2. You'll be assigned an experienced Trademark Attorney to assess up to 3 names or 1 logo, helping you determine the name or logo that has the highest likelihood of securing protection.

This is your trademark attorney, and they'll be with you from initial research to the end of the first year of trademark ownership. You can communicate with the attorney throughout the process via email, phone, text, etc.

Trademark Filing

  • The trademark attorney will file the application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on your behalf. This includes: 

    • Preparing and filing the application;

    • Serving as attorney of record;

    • Monitoring and tracking deadlines;

    • Responding to non-substantive Office Actions;

    • Advice on enforcing trademark rights;

    • Sending up to 3 cease and desist letters in the
      first 12 months after the application filing date;

    • Advising on the proper use of trademarks

    • Monitoring and tracking post-registration

    • Safeguarding your brand from potential infringement
      by monitoring and informing you of attempts by your
      competitors to file similar trademarks.

Choose Atom Trademark Filing Package if you want peace of mind around trademarks for your business, easy communication during the process, and ongoing support, all without breaking a sweat!

If you're not quite sure what you need help with or want a general chat about what trademarking a name, tagline, or logo means for you and your business, you can choose a $99 Trademark Consultation instead. And if you're a DIY legal whizz and want to file your own paperwork, there's the Trademark Research only option. We're here for all your trademark needs, so you can get on with the important work of growing your business and taking over the world. Or, you know, at least becoming an industry leader.

Trademark Filing Packages are just $649!
(plus Government fees of $350)

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process take?
The preparation and filing of your application is typically fairly quick and is usually accomplished in just a few days. However, the entire process can take 6 to 9 months or longer. 

Are there additional fees?
This package is for a standard single-class filing.
Additional fees can arise (learn more here). 

Can you help me file outside of the United States?
At this time, we can help you file a US Trademark with the USPTO. We recommend working with a qualified local provider for your trademark needs outside of the US. 

Is this service only for Trademarking my name?
Nope. We are set up to handle Name, Logo, and/or Tagline filing; and if you want more than one filing, you can simply purchase the package multiple times. Unfortunately, in order to keep our prices competitive, we do not offer any discounts for Trademark bundles. 

Will the same trademark attorney work on the project through the process?
Yes. You will be assigned to one Trademark Attorney from our team and work directly with that person. 

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