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Curated Discovery Polls For Marketplace

Participate in the curated discovery process for our Marketplace

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Written by Atom
Updated over 9 months ago

A critical aspect for Brandable domain sales is the ability for the right names to be discovered by the right buyers.

At Atom, we deploy a combination of AI and advanced search technology to allow relevant names to be discovered by our customers. We would like to bring in the "human" perspective to allow for better discovery of domains.

You can now vote for your favorite names in the Marketplace, and we will use that information to further improve the discovery of the domains.

How Does It Work?

1. Atom will authorize certain users to become "Domain Discovery Reviewers" for our platform.

2. The Domain Discovery Reviewers will be randomly shown 8 domains at a time. The 8 names will belong to the same category (e.g. Real Estate, Fashion, Cannabis etc), and the reviewers will be asked to vote for their favorite name that is the best fit for that category.

3. You can skip all 8 domains if none of them is a strong fit. You can also favorite 2 names within a single poll (however multiple name selection is only allowed in certain number of polls per day)

4. Atom will keep track of names that are receiving the highest number of votes. This information will be used to improve our discovery algorithms.

5. In addition, we will hand pick certain names from each category and create curated lists that will be promoted on our platform, as well as on social media channels.

What is the incentive for Domain Discovery Reviewers

1. We have designed the entire process as a fun poll, making it easy to review names from anywhere, at any time.

2. For every poll submitted, the reviewer will receive 10 Atom Points.

3. If you favorite a name and it is selected by Atom for inclusion in one of our curated lists, you will receive 100 Atom Points per name .

Each reviewer will be allowed to do a max of 50-100 polls in a day. The more polls you do, you will accumulate more points, coins and potential future earnings.

4. If your voted names are often selected in the Atom curated lists, your account may also qualify to become an "Expert Reviewer".

How Can I Become a Domain Discovery Reviewer?

Currently the access to this program is by invitation only. Atom team will send you an invite if your account is selected. In the near future, we plan to open this program to additional users. If your account is in Good standing, you will likely qualify if you meet one of the following conditions:

  • You are a Gold Tier seller in the Marketplace

  • You are a Tier A creative at Atom

If you do not meet the above criteria, and would like to participate, you can request for approval by sending an email to or chat with us online.


  • Every name will be randomly shown to several reviewers. Reviewers will not be able to vote on their own domains.

  • This is a Beta program, and Atom may modify this program in future, based upon our ongoing learnings.

  • This program is designed to improve our search ranking and AI recommendation algorithms, not replace them. Our algorithms will continue to use several signals to rank names (e.g. shortlists, recent buyer interest, root words etc.). The number of votes will serve as an additional signal to improve the quality of our results and recommendations.

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