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Expert Domain Reviews

Learn about the expert domain review process

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Written by Atom
Updated over 10 months ago

At Atom, our goal is to follow a highly curated process in selecting the best domains for our Premium Domain Marketplace. Until now, the domain selection was done by Atom internal review team. 

We are now expanding the curation process to also include the feedback from expert domainers and naming experts from our platform. 

How Does It Work?

1. Atom will authorize certain users to become "Expert Domain Reviewers" for our platform. 

2. The Expert Domain Reviewers will be randomly shown 4 domains at a time, and they will be able to vote for their favorite name from the list. They can also skip all 4 domains if none of them is a good fit. 

Experts can also favorite 2 names within a single poll (however multiple name selection is only allowed in certain number of polls per day)

3. Atom will keep track of names that are receiving the highest number of votes. This information will be used in addition to other factors while approving the names. 

What is the incentive for Expert Domain Reviewers

1. We have designed the entire process as a fun poll, making it easy to review names from anywhere, at any time. 

2. For every poll submitted, the reviewer will receive 10 Atom Points

3. If you favorite a name and it is accepted in Atom Marketplace, you will receive 100 Atom Points per name. You can use your Atom points to receive 50% discount on coin purchases as well as several other benefits. 

4. For every name that sells, all reviewers who voted for that name will receive $5 each. For example, if 10 reviewers voted for a particular name, Atom will deposit $50 when the name sells ($5 per reviewer).  

5. Starting Jan 1, 2022, You will also earn coins on a monthly basis based upon your overall participation and review accuracy.

Each reviewer will be allowed to do a max of 50-100 polls in a day. The more polls you do, you will accumulate more points, coins and potential future earnings.

In order to qualify, you must meet one or more of these conditions: 

  • You have an excellent Approval rate at Atom

  • You are a Tier A creative at Atom

  • You are a successful domain investor with a strong, brandable domain portfolio

If you believe you meet the above criteria, you can apply to become an Expert reviewer. At this point, we only have limited slots available for expert reviewers and even if you meet the above conditions, it is possible we may not be able to approve your account at this time.  

Other Questions

How do we make sure the reviewers are not biased in their voting process?

Every name will be randomly shown to several reviewers. Reviewers will not be able to vote on their own domains. The incentive structure is designed to make sure that the reviewers pick those domains that have the highest likelihood of getting approved, and sold. 

Are names automatically rejected if they do not receive enough votes?

If a name receives at-least 4 votes (from 15-20 polls), it will not be automatically rejected. In that case, it is also reviewed by Atom internal team. If your name is rejected, you have the option to request another review by Atom internal team.

What about unregistered domains?

All unregistered domains will be excluded from this process. These domains will continue to be reviewed only by the Atom internal team. 

Will Atom team look at other factors in addition to the expert reviewer votes?

Yes. It is important to note that the final approval still lies with the Atom team. The votes from the review process will be one factor (in addition to several other factors) while evaluating the overall fit with the Atom marketplace. 

Will this process add more time to the review process?

We actually believe this process will further streamline the review process. Most expert reviews will be done within 1 day of domain submission. The additional data points received from this review process will allow us to make faster decisions about acceptance or rejection of names. 

Important: This is a Beta program, and Atom may modify this program in future, based upon our ongoing learnings. 

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