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Standard Listings - Discovery & Search in Premium Marketplace
Standard Listings - Discovery & Search in Premium Marketplace

Learn how Standard Listings can be discovered by end users in premium marketplace

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Written by Atom
Updated over 2 months ago

Our Premium Marketplace is a highly curated collection of brandable domains with a goal to generate significant exposure and ease of discovery for such listings.

While the Standard listings are generally not visible in the Premium Marketplace, there are certain scenarios in which Standard listings will be visible:

  1. If the Buyer searches for a specific name that matches a standard listing, the exact matching standard listing will now be visible in the Premium Marketplace search results

  2. If the Buyer searches for very specific keywords (typically long tail or geo keywords) where we do not have relevant premium listings, we may expand the search to include matching and relevant standard listings

Our Marketplace attracts over 3 Million unique users every month, and in some situations, the buyers are looking for specific names that are not covered by our premium listings. Our goal is to always prioritize premium listings in search, however we will include Standard listings in certain situations where it is clear that the buyer's search experience can be enhanced by showcasing those listings.

This is currently a Beta feature, and we will continue to optimize the search experience to ensure that the search results remain as relevant as possible.

Important: At this time, only those standard listings will be considered in search where the name servers are pointing to Atom name servers.

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